CX axins's profile

IIVY The Cyborg Pirate

IIVY The Pirate, Captain of Ship Marryah. A young, confident and skillfull captain that all her followers willing to serve her loyally. She owned a prosthetic right arm, as she lost it in a terrible incident when she was 12. Nobody on her ship can beat her down.
Tough yet feminine. Cool and Calm. She is well known for her outstanding combat skill and iconic lilac hair.
IIVY's prosthetic arm design
The gun inside her forearm is supported by a simple mechanism.
Key poses
IIVY moves very fast. She can avoid enemies' attack easily and defend herself with her prosthetic arm.
Costume design for IIVY
Key expressions
Some selected sketches for IIVY's appearance.
IIVY The Cyborg Pirate

IIVY The Cyborg Pirate

Character Design Title : cyborg Female Pirate with Prosthetic Limb
